Mazars SK

Start with a pleasant work environment

There are many myths surrounding the work of auditors. Tedious, monotonous work, numbers wherever you look, overtime and difficulty in finding any sympathy. Few people would associate this profession with a relaxed atmosphere and well-being. Audit firm Mazars in Bratislava, Slovakia also comes up against these stereotypes. They became aware that their office interior was out of step with their warm and friendly approach to both clients and employees. They decided on a change, and requested assistance from TECHO. Our role was to show the young generation of auditors that even a serious profession deserves an informal and inspirational environment.

Martina Pikulová
Marketing Manager Mazars

Our profession is associated with a high degree of formality and a serious environment. The architects in cooperation with TECHO rose to the occasion and successfully implemented our requirements. The result was an informal interior that expresses our approach to clients with an emphasis on inter-personal relationships. Our partners are surprised when they visit us because our offices evoke a creative profession.

A 180 degree turn

We were involved in the Mazars new office project right from the beginning. We worked with architect Stanislav Meliš during the initial design phase and together we guided the project all the way to successful handover. The major challenge we had to overcome was to complete the work whilst the office was still operating.

Ing. arch. Stanislav Meliš

When we first visited Mazars we noticed the narrow and dark corridor, which was made narrower by archive cabinets. It led to offices each for 10 to 12 people. The desks were arranged seemingly without any plan in every free space. We opened up the corridor, removed the partitions and in doing so gained more space. In addition to the comfortable open space, relaxation zones were also created where informal discussions can take place. One of them is Zen inspired. The management instructed us to ensure its atmosphere differed from the other zones.

We started to change the layout and fit-out the entire space. New offices and meeting rooms along with open-plan space were created. Glass partitions optically enlarge the space and add light. We painted some of the walls with writable and magnetic paints, on which employees can leave messages and write important notes and comments for colleagues.


Modern space as an HR tool. For young people in particular, a relaxed and interesting work environment is a major attraction. The times when the office was just a place where employees chalked off their eight hours are long gone. Today it should be a place where you feel comfortable, a place that promotes communication and creativity. 


Positive impression. Many people are surprised by the informality. The difference between expectations and reality causes the experience to be engraved in your memory. From the moment you walk through the door the space creates a friendly atmosphere, which promotes the brand in its segment.  


Increased interaction. At the outset employees were somewhat apprehensive about the change from traditional offices, but in the end they welcomed the transformation. Assistants are located in the same space as their superior so they can better learn from them. Communication within the firm has improved considerably.

We created differing zones in the open-plan space, for example a creative zone Creathink and a “Zen zone” – space for one-to-one meetings in which employees can also work without distraction.

Architect Meliš states that the implementation of the project has significantly improved the company environment. People benefit from increased daylight, a view, new perceptions and a more tactile and bright space. An attractive feature is the podium giving a wonderful view out to the horizon.  

Martina Pikulová
Marketing Manager Mazars

The new office arrangement is having a good influence on the productivity of employees. The new common area with its long bar and kitchenette has become a place where we can discuss things over a coffee which would otherwise require a meeting. We also organise regular breakfasts with our clients here. When job applicants arrive they see the wall with its many friendly messages and sit in a comfortable sofa with a view over the Presidential Palace and they experience a very different atmosphere to the one they were probably expecting. At that moment everything is much more relaxed. The space helps us engage with the young generation.

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